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Story can be used to foster individual, group and community development. This work is also perfect for businesses looking to engage with their employees in a creative way.

Story skills workshops

Do you want to learn to tell stories from memory?

You can join me at Story Group on Thursday afternoons (see above); you would be welcome.

Or, I can develop bespoke workshops for you to guide your group through the basic skills of oral storytelling.

Current and Recent Projects:
Fortnightly Story Group meetings to build skills in oral storytelling for Transition Town West Kirby: December 2021 to now.
Two story skills workshops for Claire House children’s hospice, October 2021.

Story-based workshops for well-being

I can facilitate sessions that include spontaneous storytelling, and group crafting of a story for retelling. These workshops have been filled with fun and laughter and have had positive impacts on participants’ well being.

Current and Recent Projects:
Making Space, West Kirby, monthly, ongoing.
Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse Theatres at Liverpool Life Rooms (online and three face-to-face venues), weekly, February - December 2021.
The Spider Project, Birkenhead, July - August 2021.

Story-based workshops and activities to engage communities with the natural world

I can create bespoke story-based workshops and storytelling to help people connect with the natural world around them or the nature-based project that you run.

Current and Recent Projects:
Apple Avenue Open Day, West Kirby, 2022 - helping volunteers craft the stories of their connections with a community orchard.
The Tales that Trees Tell, West Kirby, 2021- storytelling activities to help people connect with their local environment.

Story-based workshops for group development

I can develop and facilitate workshops and meetings to foster group development and shared goal setting. Creative, story-based exercises can help to remove barriers and foster insights into new ways of working.

Recent Projects:
University of Liverpool, Department of Public Health, Policy and Systems Away Day (online), May 2021
University of Liverpool, Non-Communicable Diseases Research Group, research project workshops and team Away Days, 2017-18

Please contact me if you would like me to run a workshop with you




The groups meeting at Making Space ... value Sue’s giftedness as a facilitator; her sessions bring a deep connection with the Earth, with sensitive personal development and healing through storytelling. It’s an accessible, inclusive and fun approach.
— marko muller
As a facilitator, Sue is extremely thorough and organised and encourages her students to take risks within the loose structures that she imposes, thus encouraging us to explore our own boundaries whilst always feeling that we have somewhere safe to land.
— marie watson
Sue outlines to us the creative skills that are necessary for telling stories to listeners. She defines these qualities to us and gives us chances to practise them. She explains things carefully and in doing so she shows patience and forbearance.
— Bridie keyse
My listening skills have also improved as well as my presentation skills. I started off looking at my shoes as I thought about what to say and now, I can give good eye contact with an audience and feel more confident.
— Phil de santos
Sue is very thorough and inspires the group to work through the varied aspects of the storyteller in small stages which make it extremely accessible.
— jen stewart
Sue Povall is a storyteller and practitioner whom we have employed as part of Life Rooms at the Playhouse - a partnership between Mersey Care and Everyman Playhouse to provide a community/social model for mental health and wellbeing. Sue has regularly led story-focused sessions and performed stories over the last year as both live and digital on-line activities. She draws from a wide experience base, providing diverse starting points for the development and performance of story.
— Rebecca Ross-Williams, Creativity and Social Change Director, Everyman & Playhouse Liverpool

At Liverpool University

Sue has facilitated our workHORSE project workshops and Team Away Days for the last couple of years. She is always professional and friendly and a brilliant storyteller and timekeeper. She always provides imaginative, engaging and entertaining activities, icebreakers and warm ups.
Sue’s storytelling and facilitator skills are superb and helped us to run creative, productive and engaging workshops in our research projects. She creates an atmosphere where everyone is welcome, heard and empowered to contribute to the activities.
— Professor Martin O’Flaherty, Professor in Epidemiology, University of Liverpool
It has been a pleasure and a privilege getting to know Sue better over the last year. We have found her extremely easy to work with, knowledgeable, confident and diplomatic, pragmatic and practical. Her expert facilitating and story telling skills have proven hugely valuable in developing both our local research group, and also our large and potentially challenging multi-disciplinary, multi-centre research consortium.